Superman Returns

Superman Returns

Superman. The name and the symbol instill images of truth and justice in all of us around the world. In a world where we have no control over politics or global changes, here is a man who is able to do things we all wish we could do. He is the good that is with in all human-beings. He gives us hope and a resin to cheer again. Super, is the only way to describe a man who is cable of doing things that we can only imagine.

Saturday Hannah and myself went to see Superman Returns at the movie theater. It was simply amazing. All the power and strength that you know Superman has you can really see truly for the first time in this movie. We had watched the first Superman movie the week before so we could be a little refreshed on the story line and the characters. It helped to see the first movie again but it’s not a requirement at all. This was also the first movie i had ever seen where the audience cheer at through out the movie. i left feeling really good.

Their have been 4 Superman movies starting Christopher Reeve and to be honest, Superman 3 and 4 where bad. So bad in fact that the director of Superman Returns (Bryan Singer) is saying that his movie is to replace movies 3 and 4 and be the new 3. So when going to see this movie try to forget movies 3 and 4 if you have seen them.

So if you get a chance, check this movie out. let me know what you think.

Official Superman Movie Website
Superman Movie Trailer
Wikipedia Entery


Transformers Movie TicketsI picked up my Transformers movie tickets last week. Tuesday afternoon is the first showing of the movie here in Juneau AK and that’s the tickets I Got. By boss has been warned I will be taking the afternoon to go see this film.

I am both exited and upset about it. This movie has been something I have waited for since I was 4 years old. I watched Transformers on TV all the time in the 80’s and as I got older i collected the comic books. I know the Transformers mythology like the back of my hand. So if something does not go like it’s supposed to in this film it is going to stick out like a sore thumb to me.

<i>I feel my self going in to a rant here</i>

Michael Bay directed this film. That alone makes a lot of core Transformers fans flinch. A lot of us fans followed as much about this film as we could on line. I think we were all pretty vocal about what we were expecting to see out of this film. (The producers of this film and even the Director asked us on line want we wanted to see.) As each day went on we are coming to realize that they are not making a film that the fans want to see. Bay was just making a film he wanted to make.

For the last year or so we have slowly seen new Transformers move trailers hit the net. As I watched each one as they came out it became quite clear that Michael Bay was not listening to fans, did not care about the Mythology, or even held a Transformers comic book in his hands. He clearly does not understand why the franchise is so popular to warrant a movie. I think he was just happy to have work after Pearl Harber bombed.

But here i am. With two movie tickets to see the first showing of Transformers in Juneau. I am in denial. I think that maybe. Just Maybe i am wrong, That maybe this movie will not be as bad as i am predicting. I truly hope it is not.

If anyone is interested i have been documenting a lot of what has been going on with this movie over at You can read my posts on their forums by clicking here.

Transformers Teaser Trailer Released


Today on they released the first teaser trailer for the upcoming 2007 movie Transformers. The trailer does not give a lot away as far as the look and feel of the the robots them selves. But after watching the trailer you can see how the story of the film starts out. They tie in some facts with the fiction. It reminds me of a line from the X-Files.

“A lie Mr Mulder, is best hidden between two truths.” Enjoy the trailer!!!

Home Office (Sort-of)


Yesterday when I got home from work Hannah and I went to work on the spare bedroom turning it into a home office. Well more like a home office / spare bedroom / storage place. It actually turned out really well and I like how Hannah has hung up some of her posters. I think the room will grow a little bit with us. Will see I am sure. But, for now I am happy with how it turned out. I am glad to finally have a place to work and read that is away from the T.V.

I was able to setup up my computer and have it do back ups and install the newest Mac OS X update (10.4.7) while we finished putting things in order. Later that night Chris came over to show me his idea of a wiki that he set up for work called iFolder. The application is kind of cool but it’s way over kill for what we need at work which is just a documentation tool. A strait up wiki. Sometimes I don’t understand how he thinks. But I guess I should focus on the bright side which is, now we have a central place to put our documentation.

I am still working to restore my blog back to it’s glory. I again switched the blogging engine I am using and I am very please with how this one has been working out. You will notice every few days that I adding older posts. I have quite a few to add but I will get them up in time. Between this website, The H Corner website, and Voted Down website, it’s just a matter of time till it gets done.

Hannah has been job hunting and getting things in order at the collage. We are going to try to see Superman Returns on Saturday. I hope that the weather is good this weekend so we can walk around town and check out some of the parks.

Microsoft Surface

A few weeks ago I saw on line a new product from Microsoft called “Microsoft Surface“. Granted it’s a neat product but from I have questioned it’s practicality. I however did not spend to much time thinking about it until I saw the video above the other day.

I do think interacting with the display is the future for computers. I think it’s going to eliminate the keyboard and mouse. But like the video suggests, I don’t believe this will be in the form of a table. The five cameras required for the Microsoft Surface to track your hand movements i think sounds a little obsolete when compared to other products i have seen like the Apple iPhone.

But if anything I hope that posting this video made you laugh.