The State of Movies

Have all of you been noticing a trend in recent movies like Superman, Batman and Ninja Turtles? It seems like movie makers have been able to re-write history (so to speak) for the better.

Let me explain. Will start off with the movie “Superman Returns“. They basically told everybody “Just forget about all the Superman movies after Superman 2 because they all suck. We are redoing Superman 3. As a result they were able to create a story line that is much more accurate to the comic books of Superman. This has made fans so much more happy with the Superman movie franchise.

Now lets look at Batman. Now back in the late 80’s Tim Burton directed the first and second Batman movies. I happen to really enjoy these movies. Tim Burton does great work and the image of Batman as this dark knight I feel was shown very well. But if you are a Batman fan you can tell from this first batman movie with Michael Keaton, that Tim Burton never once has picked up and read a Batman comic book. But a few years ago they come out with “Batman Begins” Which basically starts all the way over making a much more accurate story that the fans loved.

Lastly Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This movie has pretty much pulled a superman saying to just forget the 3rd movie, we are redoing it.

I think this kind of a change in movies is a good one. It feels like they are saying that studios can’t always tell film makers or the movie viewing public what they want to see. To many of us know the story line . Too many of us will not settle for anything less then the already existing story line. The correct story line if you will.

An Inconvenient Truth


Last week Hannah and I where walking through down town Juneau. We had been walking for a while when we came across a poster advertising for “An Inconvenient Truth”. It was playing at another theater in town. (I was aware of 2 theaters in town but now to find a third? How many theaters does this town have?) We noted that the movie was only going to be playing for one more week so we told each other we would see it next weekend.

Last night we took our friends, Kyle and Leona to this movie and i really enjoyed it. The movie is a hard subject for me to talk about. I think if i did talk about it to much i would come out sounding like a hypocrite. But the movie does not make you feel that way. It just says the earth is hurting and we have to change. Here is what we need to start working to so that we can make that change.

I hope if you get a chance to watch this movie you will.

Movie Description

Director Davis Guggenheim eloquently weaves the science of global warming with Mr. Gore’s personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change. A longtime advocate for the environment, Gore presents a wide array of facts and information in a thoughtful and compelling way. “Al Gore strips his presentations of politics, laying out the facts for the audience to draw their own conclusions in a charming, funny and engaging style, and by the end has everyone on the edge of their seats, gripped by his haunting message,” said Guggenheim. An Inconvenient Truth is not a story of despair but rather a rallying cry to protect the one earth we all share. “It is now clear that we face a deepening global climate crisis that requires us to act boldly, quickly, and wisely,” said Gore.

The movie also shows a lot of Al Gore working on his Apple PowerBook G4 building his presentation in am Apple program called “Keynote“.


Movie Trailer

Movie Website
About the movie and the programs used