I really look forward to my trips down south. I love Alaska and Juneau. It’s beautiful in a way that words can not describe. I just find myself missing so many things about Washington State and the lower 48 states in general. Things like walking through a mall and being able to drive longer than 15 minutes.
In just over a week Hannah and I will be coming down to Washington state to get married. So this trip is really going to mean a lot to me. I am going to get to spend time with family and friends I have not seen in years. All these people I love and miss will be all close by for a couple of days as Hannah and I get married. I can’t imagen a more perfect trip.
Before family starts showing up for the wedding Hannah and I will get a chance to spend some time in Seattle and I also hope Bellingham, because Bellingham rocks! Will have a few last-minute wedding purchases to make and just get a chance to get out and see the real world for a change.
Last Thursday night was my gig with Fire on McGinnis at the Rendezvous. I got out of work late that day and one of my band mates had to haul my drums over to the venue. I showed up fifteen minutes after 5pm and as soon as I got their I started tuning and setting up my drum set as fast as I could then stepped out-of-the-way so the rest of the band could setup their equipment.
By around 6:30 we where able to perform our sound check and everything checked out fine and good. We all wanted to go get dinner so we just agreed to come back by 10pm to start playing at 10:30pm.
I came home and made dinner and hung out with Hannah for a little bit. I also took a few minutes and updated the set list I was given to include my drumming notes. I still don’t have all the songs down 100% and need a little mental refresh for several of them.
Hannah came with me back to the Rendezvous to hear me play. My brother showed up and a couple of friends too. It was encouraging to see all their familiar faces in the crowded bar.
We played the first set and we played it really well. People where dancing and laughing. We where really on that night. Before start of the fourth song I had to stop the band for a few minutes to tape up my fingers. They had blistered and popped and it was getting painful to keep playing.
I once asked the drummer of Local H what he did to protect his hands. He told me he used golfing gloves when he played. I need to make a mental note and go out and try some out.
With my hands tapped up we continued playing and finished out first set. We took a ten minute break and came back to play a second set.
I really had a good time and was grateful to the Rendezvous for letting us play. They where grateful for us playing as well. Turns out they had such a good night on St. Patrick’s day that they ended up paying us five times more than the original agreed amount.
Waiting Out In The Cold For People To Show Up For Band Practice.
With St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow my band has been stepping up practices by playing longer and learning new songs. We have a gig at one of the local bars in juneau called the Rendezvous. We have played their before and the people that show are have always been supportive and happy to see us play so I am really looking forward to this show. I understand will be playing from 10:30pm till 12:30am. The only negative thing is that I have to go to work the next morning and am normally up by 5 AM.
Yesterday scheduling a practice was hard but we pulled it off. Hannah had some plans for the day that could not be broken so right after work we just packed up my drum set and dropped it and me off at one of our band members houses where we were going to practice for the day. I sat outside in the cold for maybe 45 minutes waiting for people to show up. The things we do for music.
I hope some of you can make it to the show tomorrow. I think it is going to be one of our best ones yet!
Last night around 9:30 when I should have been in bed, but was instead up watching a movie with Hannah on my Media Center, the power went out. We only pay some of the highest rates in the country for electricity so it stans to reason that it would go out ALL THE TIME. The two of us got up from the couch and lit some candles and got a flash light. Looking out the window I could see that the whole Juneau valley -with exception to the airport- was with out power.
Even without power I was still upbeat. As soon as the power went out I heard the beeping of my APC UPS that power my Qnap NAS going off every 15 seconds. “Is that thing going to be alright”. Hannah asked.
“Yeah. The NAS should power it’s self down in two minutes if power is not restored”.
“Oh, cool”. she said.
Qnap NAS
Sure enough at the two minute mark I heard the shut down signal of the Qnap Nas. Moments later it was off. Things like that make me smile. When things just work as they are supposed to.
After that Hannah and I crawled into bed and as most nights I proceeded to read to her. I no sooner got myself situated in bed when the power came back on.
The city and borough suffered an area wide power outage last night.
Gail Wood of Alaska Electric Light and Power says the lights went out at about 9:45 with power restored around 11 p.m.
Wood says the outage location has been identified as the East Terminal where the lines transmit into the submarine cable that crosses Taku Inlet. A crew will go to the area at first light to investigate.
Wood says the outage lasted about an hour and a half for those who had power restored last.
In the meantime, AEL&P is running off backup diesel generators, and power from the Annex Creek and Salmon Creek hydro projects.
The city and borough suffered an area wide power outage last night.
Gail Wood of Alaska Electric Light and Power says the lights went out at about 9:45 with power restored around 11 p.m.
Wood says the outage location has been identified as the East Terminal where the lines transmit into the submarine cable that crosses Taku Inlet.
A crew went to the area this morning to investigate, but could not locate the cause of the problem.
AEL&P rann the system with backup diesel generators, and power from the Annex Creek and Salmon Creek hydro projects following the problem. The system was scheduled to be back on full hydro by mid-day today, according to Wood.
She says the outage lasted about an hour and a half for those who had power restored last
When I used to live and work in Seattle doing web hosting support a bunch of us would take frequient brakes to play a couple of rounds of hacky sack. At times we would have the hole company outside playing together. It’s one of the big things I have missed since moving to Juneau. To this day I still keep a Hacky Sack on me a lot of time just in case I run into someone who wants to play a quick game.
Near the end of my time in Seattle I came across a really good Hacky Sack brand and have not changed since. It’s called “Sandmaster Footbag” and I just wanted the chance to share that with you. My experience with them has only been good. They last a long time and can take quite a beating.
I truly am no expert hacky sack footbager. I just enjoy it playing when the occasion permits.