One of the best things about Thanksgiving and Christmas to me are the leftovers. Waking up the next day and make yourself a turkey sandwich. Man are they good. They taste like a little bit of heaven I tell you.
Author: Youseph
Futurama: Because It Just Wont Die
When I used to live in Anacortes, just about every night at 11:30pm I would head over to my friend Adam’s house to watch Futurama. He and I, along with some friends would gather together and spend a few minutes talking about the day. How Adman’s shop was doing. How Chode’s record label and shows where coming along. How work and driving to Oak Harbor everyday was for myself. Then Futurama would come on and we would all get quite and watch it, taking brakes only during the t.v. commercials to talk. It was just a good fun get together that ended each of my days on a high note.
Last month the first new Futurama in two years was released (Futurama: Bender’s Big Score) as a direct to DVD movie. I picked it up when it first came out, but only recently got to watch it because the first copy of the disk I got was a miss print or press. (Not sure what you call it when the disk quits playing halfway through.) In any case, I took the disk back to the store and they gladly exchanged the faulty disk for a new one.
Now, the movie was great! I didn’t feel like any of the writing had changed over time. It really feels like everyone involved in the show the first time around got back together to make this movie and did so with out missing a beat. The movie retains the original comedy style that made Futurama so much fun to watch.
Anyone new to Futurama can pick up this DVD and watch it enjoy it. Anyone who has seen the older episodes will enjoy this movie a little bit more because of all the time traveling that is done in and references to older episodes.
If your a fan of Futurama this is a must have DVD. If your new to Futurama, this is as good of a starting point as any.
Vacation Over
Well, our vacation is over now and both Hannah and myself are back in Juneau. Back to work, Back to Normality for a little while as we try to pick up and put away the contents of our suitcases. We had such a good time though. I wish it was not over. Vacations are never long enough. We are already talking about our next one.
We spent our first week in Chicago at my brother’s house and had our early little Christmas there. It was really nice and I am so happy I got to see most of my family. It was so cool that we all were able to get together in Chicago like that. I hope we will be able to do something like this every year together.
After our week in Chicago, Hannah and I flew to Seattle and stayed with her family in Oak Harbor Washington. We both had a really good time. We had our little early Christmas with her family. Her sister and husband even came up to visit with us while we were their which was great. Actually it was Legendary!
While in Washington State we went and saw some friends. We saw our friend Adam at the Hidden Wave Board Shop while we were in Burlington. I have known Adam since high school. He is a really good friend of mine and I am glad we got to stop in and say hi. He and his shop are doing really well. I don’t ever remember seeing his store so full of merch before in my life!
We also got to see our friends Melanie and Scott for dinner one night. It’s amazing how entertaining Melanie can be with a plate of nachos.
Hannah and I also did some shopping while we were on our vacation. We picked up some new cloths and some new toys. We were saving up to do this because things in Juneau can be pricer then things in the lower 48 states.
But now we are back home. Our suitcases have exploded all over the apartment and we are slowly working to get everything put away in it’s place.
The Train Ride
Hannah and I left Juneau Alaska last Saturday to start off our well over due vacation together. We have had this trip planned for so long that Hannah had started counting down to the second from when it was time for use to leave.
So we left Juneau bright and early. Our flight made two stops on our way to Chicago. The first was in Sitka Alaska. It was a very short stop. They unloaded the people who wanted to get off at Sitka and loaded all the people who wanted to go to Seattle very quickly. The second stop was in Seattle Washington. Our layover in Seattle was only 2 hours long. But the time flew by because in Seattle we met up with my mom who flew with us from Seattle to Chicago.
So for the first leg of our vacation Hannah and I are currently in Illinois and having a blast with our family. Both my brothers, sister, nephew, and mom are here. We are all staying at my bother Reza’s new house in Aurora. (Party on Wayne! Party on Garth!)
The first day here we took it pretty easy. The house got some Christmas decorations put up and we played a little Ping Pong in the basement.
Today (well now Yesterday, but I have not been to bed yet so it feels like today) Abe, Tracy, Hannah and myself got up and took the commuter train from Aurora to the heart of Chicago to see the sights.
With Abe as our tour guide we did some shopping and checked out the official Chicago Apple store. We also had dinner at the Hard Rock Café which was a lot of fun. They where playing great music videos the whole time we were there. Here is a picture of our Waiter.
We took the commuter train back to Aurora and drove from the train station back to my brothers house. We all shared our stories back at the house. Most everyone is in bed now. I should go too.
When I first moved to Juneau Alaska I spent a lot of money on DVDs. It’s kind of crazy when you look at my DVD collection how big it is. I am sure other people have bigger collections then mine, but still. I think mine is pretty impressive.
After the first year of living here, and buying one to many DVDs that I know I will never watch again, I decided to get a Netflix account and have not looked back since. Having a Netflix account has saved me a lot of money by not buying, rather renting the movies I would normally buy. If I get a movie in the mail that I really end up enjoying then I will go out and buy it.
I also feel that having a Netflix account has exposed me to a lot of movie titles I would not normally see. Like indy films and just random goodness that you don’t find when walking into a store or a brick-and-morter movie rental place.