Last last week we had some sun light. Granted it was on and off through out most of the afternoon but Hannah and I took advantage of it and snapped some photos.
Author: Youseph
Links Of The Week: Scotty, Blogging, 5 Theories, Energy Conservation
This is something new I am going to try. The idea here is that I will do a new post once a week on links I find around the web. Stories and posts that I think are worth sharing because they are interesting to me. The links I will share come from RSS Feeds I subscribe to, Friends who told me about them, and E-mails I get. So here we go.
Unfulfilled space funeral for “Scotty”: words from his son.
There have been many attempts to send my father on his way. On Saturday, the latest launch attempt by SpaceX, with a portion of my father’s remains aboard, failed to achieve orbit. While there are many complicated reasons why this is a disappointment, mine is simple: I’d like to finish saying goodbye. [Link]
How to: Be an uber blogger, by Cory Doctorow
Cory Doctorow, uber blogger of Boing Boing, science fiction writer and part-time resident of the Magic Kingdom describes how to create a blog that people read. [Link]
5 Scientific Theories That Will Make Your Head Explode
There are generally two types of science: first, there’s the type that makes computers work, allows us to ride around in metal boxes propelled by continuous explosion, and makes it so that milk doesn’t taste all gross. Then there’s the fringe science, the stuff that shoots up your nose like mathematical horseradish and dances a jig on your brain…or brane, as it were (that’s the nerdiest joke in the article, we promise). So kick off your work boots, put on your thought slippers, and prepare for a science course so mind-blowing, it’s written almost entirely in italics. [Link]
Energy Conservation in Alaska: What Worked? What Did Not?
It’s been over three months since an avalanche knocked out our hydropower supply in Juneau. At that time, Get Rich Slowly readers provided plenty of great comments and potential solutions. Unfortunately, we rarely get sunny days here in Southeast Alaska because it rains or snows about 200 days a year. Thus, we couldn’t make use of the oft-recommended solar energy. [Link]
The Greatest Chuck Norris Fact Ever!
For the last few weeks I have become very entertained with Chuck Norris Facts. These facts can be found on the internet if the tubes are not to backed up.
An example of one of these Chuck Norris Facts would be: There is no ‘ctrl’ button on Chuck Norris‘s computer. Chuck Norris is always in control. or Chuck Norris counted to infinity, twice.
With zingers like these I can’t help but laugh about it. Other people around me can’t help but laugh about it either.
My boss and I will be having a meeting about a client that needs us to address an issue with their computer systems. When the meeting gets to be just a little to serious I will drop something like, “Did you know, Chuck Norris can eat just one Lay’s potato chip?” That would be followed with a short pause before we both brake up laughing.
Hannah and I would sit down for dinner and she would ask me “Hows dinner?” and I would look up at her and say “Did you know that Chuck Norris once went into a Burger King and ordered a Big Mac, and he got one.”
Now I have been doing this for the last few weeks. At first Hannah thought it was funny and I would get a chuckle or a smile out of her. ( Really? I mean, who knew that Chuck Norris new the what the last digit in Pi is?) But now I just seem to get an immature look from her when I tell her a Chuck Norris fact joke.
Last night I was reading to Hannah from a book title ‘Shantaram‘. I had just finished up a paragraph when she leaned over to me and said “Did you know that Chuck Norris has read the end of the ‘Never Ending Story‘?” I was just like, “Whoa.” and sat stunned for a moment before we both busted out laughing.
“That has to be the greatest Chuck Norris fact ever! Did you make that up on your own?” I asked
“Yeah.” she said still laughing about it.
That whole thing thing just gave me the giggles and made reading the rest of the night near impossable. I eventually put the book down and said that she should submit that to the Chuck Norris Facts website. But today I have not been able to find any links on the site for submitting your own Chuck Norris Facts. How sad.
Sucker Hole

When I first moved to Alaska I kept hearing the term “Sucker Hole” all around me but had no idea what it meant. I finally asked one of the guys I worked with and he told me that a sucker hole is when the clouds over head brake apart enough to let some light through and all the suckers in town follow the light around for as long as it lasts.
Wikipedia describes a sucker hole as:
A colloquial term referring to a short spate of good weather that “suckers” sailors into leaving port just in time for a storm to resume at full force.
I thought i might share this with everyone since the weather here has been so bad and as I looked out of my office windows I was treated to a bref shower of sunlight.
Bruce Campbell On The X-Files

Last night Hannah and I were at home and watching season six of The X-Files. The episode we started watching was titled “Terms of Endearment” and to our surprise the guess star on that episode was Bruce Campbell of Evil Dead fame.
You gotta love it. We laughed and really enjoyed that episode.